
Dental Assistant

Training Program

Credential(s) Offered

Industry certification, Government license, Measurable skills gain

Method of Delivery

Hybrid or blended

When offered

Daytime Hours, Evening Hours, Weekends

Instructional Program (CIP)

Dental Assisting/Assistant. 510601


MIO Dental Careers offers an in person 9-week course where students are able to start at any time to become excellent Dental Assistants through books, videos, and hands-on training. 

MIO Dental Careers has adapting the class session hours to be a hybrid mix of online and in person training. The amount of hands-on hours remains the same but is restructured so that all book work, tests, quizzes, etc. are taken in full prior to hands-on training. Students have 6 weeks to complete the online training and then the last three weeks are dedicated to building confidence and gaining the skills necessary to work in the very in demand, dental industry. This hybrid class can be started at anytime. Students overlapping graduation will be eligible for the next possible graduation. 

Students are taught by practicing, licensed Dentists, Hygienists and Dental Assistants. This multifaceted approach allows students to receive high level interactions. We have a very high success rate of both start to completion (92%) and of those that graduate, 86% have a job within two weeks of graduation if not sooner. Students learn through hands-on interactions, classroom training and an externship in partnering dental clinics. Students will graduate with an Oklahoma Dental Assisting permit (necessary to work with patients in dental), as well as certification in BLS Healthcare CPR (MIO Dental Careers students receive the same CPR training as nurses in a hospital) and a permit for Radiation Protection and Safety (this is so x-rays can be taken under the supervision of a dentist).

The tuition covers everything a student will need: books, uniform, clinical supplies, Oklahoma Dental Assisting permit, as well as BLS healthcare CPR and Radiation Safety and Protection certifications. The only thing the student needs is closed toe, comfortable shoes (ie: tennis shoes).


Program Length (Weeks)




Entrance Requirements

High School Diploma or Equivalent


MIO Dental Careers

WIOA Approved Program


Curriculum Competency Based


Training Location(s)

9202 S. Pennsylvania Ave

Local WIB

66 - Central (COWIB)

Name of Credential

Oklahoma Dental Assisting Permit, X-ray permit, BLS Healthcare CPR

Type of financial aid offered or have access to


Refund Policy

Yes, as directed by OBPVS

Is the proposed curriculum currently certified by an accrediting agency or similar national standardization program?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for women?


Is this proposed curriculum considered a nontraditional program of training services for men?


Cost Items

In-State/District Tuition


Out-of-State/District Tuition


Total In-State Program Cost


Total Out-of-State Program Cost


Demand Occupation(s)

31-9091.00Dental Assistants
$16.00 per hour
Required Certification: Oklahoma Dental Assistant permit

Provider Status



9202 S. Pennsylvania Ave, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73159

Phone Number

(405) 601-1227

Web Address

Last Updated

Apr 27, 2023


Jan 04, 2018


Sep 07, 2024

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